Terms and conditions

  1. Interpretation

1.1 In these Terms and Conditions: “Authorised Representative” means (1) for the Seller, the Divisional Director of the Seller and (2) for the Buyer, the representative of the Buyer with whom such Divisional Director is dealing. “Buyer” means the person or company (1) who accepts a quotation by the Seller for the sale of the Goods or (2) whose order for the Goods is accepted by the Seller. “Conditions” means the terms and conditions of sale set out in this document amended from time to time in accordance with Clause 2.3. “Contract” means the contract for the purchase and sale of Goods in accordance with these conditions. “GGF” means the Glass and Glazing Federation. “Goods” means the goods (including any installment of goods or any parts for them) which the Seller is to supply to the Buyer in accordance with the Contract and these Conditions. “Mechanical Component” means hinges, drawer boxes and drawer runners. “Seller” means either (1) Magnet Limited in the United Kingdom and (2) Magnet (Isle of Man) Limited in the Isle of Man. “Writing” means printed or hand-written letter or other document, or a written communication in the form of a facsimile transmission or electronic mail message.

1.2 Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.

1.3 Throughout these Conditions whenever required by context the use of the singular shall be construed to include the plural and the use of the plural shall include the singular and the use of any gender shall include all genders.

1.4 The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

  1. Basis of the sale

2.1 Nothing in these Conditions will impose any obligation whatsoever on the Seller to sell any goods or provide any services to anyone. The Seller is entitled in its absolute discretion to refuse at any time to do any business with anyone, if the Seller so pleases. These Conditions shall apply only if the Seller and the Buyer are willing and form the Contract respectively to sell and to buy the Goods.

2.2 The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the Goods subject to these Conditions which shall govern the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms that the Buyer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

2.3 No variation to these Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in Writing between the Authorised Representatives of each of the Buyer and the Seller.

2.4 The Seller’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods unless confirmed by the Authorised Representative of the Seller in Writing. In entering into the Contract the Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it does not rely on, and waives any claim for breach of, any such representations which are not so confirmed in Writing.

2.5 Any advice or recommendation given by the Seller or its employees or agents to the Buyer or its employees or agents as to each of the storage, application or use of the Goods which is not confirmed in Writing by the Authorised Representative of the Seller or stated herein, is followed or acted upon entirely at the Buyer’s own risk and accordingly the Seller shall not be liable for any such advice or recommendation which is not so Confirmed in Writing.

2.6 Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by the Seller shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of the Seller.

  1. Orders and Specification

3.1 If the Goods are to be manufactured or any process is to be applied to the Goods by the Seller in accordance with a specification submitted by the Buyer, the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against all loss, damages, costs and expenses awarded against or incurred by the Seller in connection with or paid or agreed to be paid by the Seller in settlement of any claim for infringement of any patent, copyright, design, trademark or other industrial or intellectual property rights of any other person which results from the Seller’s use and application of the respective specification submitted by the Buyer.

3.2 The Seller reserves the right to make any changes in the specification of the Goods which (1) are required for the Goods to conform with any applicable safety or other statutory requirements and/or, (2) whether or not the Goods are to be supplied to the Buyer’s specification, do not materially affect their quality or performance.

3.3 The Goods are supplied on the basis that they conform to the written descriptions contained on the respective order or confirmation under which the Goods are supplied (without prejudice to the provisions of clauses 3.2, 8.2, 8.6 and 8.10 hereto). Pictures and drawings of the Goods in any of the Seller’s catalogues or publicity materials are for the purpose of illustration only.

3.4 No order which has been accepted by the Seller may be cancelled by the Buyer except with the agreement in Writing of the Authorised Representative of the Seller and then only on the terms that the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller in full against all loss (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by the Seller as a result of the respective cancellation.

  1. Price of the goods

4.1 The price of Goods shall be the Seller’s quoted price or, where no price has been quoted (or a quoted price is no longer valid), the price listed in the Seller’s published price list current at the date of acceptance of the order or, if there is no such acceptance, the making of the sale.

4.2 Except as otherwise stated under the terms of any quotation or in any price list of the Seller and unless otherwise agreed in Writing between the Buyer and the Authorised Representative of the Seller, all prices are given by the Seller on an ex works basis, and where the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods otherwise than at the Seller’s premises, the Buyer shall be liable to pay all the Seller’s charges for transport, packaging and insurance.

4.3 Unless otherwise specifically stated, all prices quoted or set out in the Seller’s published price list for the time being are exclusive of any applicable value added tax, which the Buyer shall be additionally liable to pay the Seller.

4.4 The cost of pallets and returnable containers will be charged to the Buyer in addition to the price of the Goods, but full credit will be given to the Buyer provided that they are returned undamaged to the Seller before the due payment date.

4.5 The Seller reserves the right, by giving notice in Writing to the Buyer at any time before delivery, to increase the price of the Goods to reflect any increase in the cost to the Seller which is due to (1) any factor beyond the control of the Seller (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, by way of exchange fluctuation, currency regulation, alteration of duties, and/or significant increase in the costs of labour, materials, other costs of manufacture and/or fuel), (2) any change in delivery dates, quantities or specifications for the Goods which is requested by the Buyer, and/or (3) any delay caused by any instructions from the Buyer or the failure of the Buyer to give the Seller adequate and relevant information and/or instructions.

  1. Terms of payment

5.1 Subject to any special terms agreed, in Writing, between the Buyer and the Authorised Representative of the Seller, the Buyer shall pay for the price of the Goods in cash (or the equivalent of cash) at the time of sale.

5.2 In the event the Buyer opens a trade credit account with the Seller the following conditions shall apply:-

5.2.1 A trade account will only be opened after satisfactory references have been taken up by the Seller;

5.2.2 Acceptance of orders from the Buyer is subject to credit approval by the Seller;

5.2.3 Trade accounts must be paid in full (unless otherwise agreed in Writing by the Seller) by the last day of each calendar month following the date of invoice or if such day is a non business day, the immediately preceding business day;

5.2.4 the Seller reserves the right to charge interest on all overdue accounts at the rate specified in the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

5.2.5 At any time before the delivery of the Goods The Seller reserves the right to notify the Buyer that outstanding payment is required prior to delivery and the Seller shall be entitled to withhold delivery until payment is made;

5.2.6 If the Buyer does or suffers to be done anything which might prejudice his ability to pay the full price for the Goods the Seller, in addition to any other rights it may have, reserves the right to treat the contract for the Goods unpaid as repudiated by the Buyer.

5.3 The Buyer shall pay all amounts due under the Contract in full without any deduction or withholding except as required by law and the Buyer shall not be entitled to assert any credit, set off or counter claim against the Seller in order to justify withholding payment of any such amount in whole or in part. The Seller may at any time, without limiting any other rights or remedies it may have, set off any amount owing.

  1. Sale/Delivery/Return of goods

6.1 Delivery of the Goods shall be made (1) by the Buyer taking the Goods away from the Seller’s premises at the time of sale or at any time after the Seller has notified the Buyer that the Goods are ready for collection, or (2) if some other place or delivery is agreed by the Authorised Representative of the Seller, by the Seller delivering the Goods to that place (subject to the provisions of Clause 6.5 below). If the Seller fails to deliver the Goods, its liability shall be limited to the costs and expenses incurred by the Buyer in obtaining replacement goods of similar description and quality in the cheapest market available, less the price of the Goods. The Seller shall have no liability for any failure to deliver the Goods to the extent that such failure is caused by a force majeure event or the Buyer’s failure to provide the Seller with adequate delivery instructions or any other instructions that are relevant to the supply of the Goods.

6.2 Any date quoted by the Seller for the delivery of the Goods is approximate only and the Seller shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Goods howsoever caused. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence of the Contract unless previously agreed by the Authorised Representative of the Seller in Writing. The Goods may be delivered by the Seller in advance of the quoted delivery date on giving reasonable notice to the Buyer.

6.3 Where the Goods are to be delivered in installments, each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and a failure by the Seller to deliver any one or more of the installments in accordance with the Contract or these Conditions or any claim by the Buyer in respect of any one or more installments, shall not entitle the Buyer to treat the respective Contract, or the Contracts for the delivery of other installments as being repudiated.

6.4 If the Buyer fails to take delivery of the Goods or fails to give the Seller adequate and relevant delivery information and/or instructions at the time stated for delivery then, without limiting any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller may:

6.4.1 Store the Goods until actual delivery and charge the Buyer for the reasonable costs (including insurance) of such storage; or

6.4.2 Sell the Goods at the best price readily obtainable and (after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses) (1) account to the Buyer for any excess over the price under the Contract or (2) charge the Buyer for any shortfall below the price under the Contract (in circumstances where the Seller has been paid for the Goods).

6.5 The Buyer shall ensure that all deliveries by the Seller’s employees, agents or subcontractors can be made on suitable hard roads at ground level with unrestricted access and that all reasonable measures are taken as are necessary to ensure that premises to which deliveries are made under this Contract, are safe and free from risks to the health and safety of the Seller’s employees, agents and sub-contractors, and comply with all relevant health and safety legislation. For the avoidance of doubt, each of the Buyer, its personnel and its subcontractors shall comply with all its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and its associated regulations from time to time and with all site-specific Health and Safety requirements and will work within these obligations. The Buyer shall make suitable free of charge arrangements for offloading deliveries.

6.6 Unless otherwise agreed by the Authorised Representative of the Seller no deliveries will be carried out by the Seller nor will the Seller store any of the Goods for the Buyer after the time of sale.

6.7 Subject to Clauses 8.3 and 8.4, the Goods may only be returned by the Buyer at the discretion of the respective store manager if adequate proof and date of purchase is given and the Goods are in the original wrapped packaging (where applicable) and undamaged. The Seller reserves the right in the event that the Goods are accepted back by the Seller to charge a reasonable amount in respect of a restocking and administration charge.

  1. Risk and property

7.1 The risk of damage to or loss of the Goods shall pass to the Buyer at the time when the Buyer takes delivery of the Goods or upon the Buyer acquiring title to the Goods, whichever is the sooner.

7.2 Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, or any other provision of these Conditions, the title and property in the Goods shall not pass to the Buyer, and shall remain with the Seller until after the Seller has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the price of the Goods and any other goods that the Seller has sold or supplied or has agreed to sell or supply to the Buyer in respect of which payment has become due.

7.3 Until such time as the title and property in the Goods passes to the Buyer, (1) the Buyer shall hold the Goods as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and bailee and shall keep the Goods separate from those of the Buyer and third parties and properly stored, protected and insured and clearly identified as the Seller’s property, and (2) the Buyer shall be entitled to resell or use the Goods in the ordinary course of its business, but shall promptly account to the Seller for the proceeds of sale of the Goods, whether tangible or intangible, including insurance proceeds, and shall keep all such proceeds separate from any monies or property of the Buyer and third parties and, in the case of tangible proceeds, keep the same properly stored, protected and insured and clearly identified as the Seller’s property.

7.4 Until such time as the title and property in the Goods passes to the Buyer (and provided that the Goods are still in existence and have not been resold) the Seller shall be entitled at any time to require the Buyer to deliver up the Goods to the Seller and, if the Buyer fails to do so forthwith, to enter forthwith and without further notice upon any premises of the Buyer or any third party where the Goods are stored, and repossess the Goods.

7.5 The Buyer shall not be entitled to pledge or in any way charge by way of security for any indebtedness, any of the Goods of which the Seller remains the holder of the title and/or property.

  1. Warranties and guarantee

8.1 All Goods purchased under these Conditions are purchased by the Buyer in his capacity as a trade customer of the Seller and therefore attract discount. In these circumstances, save for those express warranties and guarantees set out in these Conditions, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

8.2 Any claim by the Buyer which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the Goods or their failure to correspond with specification shall be notified to the Seller within seven days from the date of delivery or (where the defect or failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection) within seven days after the defect or failure was, or should reasonably have been, discovered. If the Buyer does not notify the Seller accordingly, the Buyer shall not be entitled to reject the Goods and the Seller shall have no liability for such defect or failure, and the Buyer shall be bound to pay the price as if the Goods had been delivered in accordance with the Contract.

8.3 The following products alone are guaranteed against manufacturing defect, subject to the relevant installation and maintenance guidelines strictly being adhered to. (Subject to the provisions of clauses 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9 below): For the avoidance of doubt the products detailed at clauses 8.3.1 to 8.4.3 are products which are NOT manufactured by the Seller and any warranty or guarantee to be given in relation to any such product is that of the manufacturer alone and shall be provided strictly subject to the provisions of clause 8.4.6 relating to manufacturer guarantees.

8.3.1 Softwood Windows (Supplied Finished – Stained or Painted and Glazed) Applies to all softwood windows manufactured by Jeld-Wen UK that are: Vac Vac preservative treated 30 years against fungal decay and rot 10 years against manufacturing defect 5 years on paint finish 5 years on glazing 1 year on window hardware

8.3.2 Oak Windows and Oak French Doors and Oak Folding Doors (Supplied Finished – Stained and Glazed) 5 years against manufacturing defect 5 years on glazing 1 year on stain finish 1 year on hardware

8.3.3 French Doors Softwood Factory Finished Painted Manufactured by Jeld-Wen 5 years against manufacturing defect 5 years on paint finish 5 years on glazing 1 year on hardware

8.3.4 Patio Doors 1 year against manufacturing defect

8.3.5 Redwood Door Frames (Unfinished) 1 year against manufacturing defect

8.3.6 Redwood/Softwood Doors 1 year against manufacturing defect

8.3.7 Door Sets 1 year against manufacturing defect Folding Doors (factory finished) 5 years against manufacturing defect 1 year on paint finish 5 years on glazing 1 year on hardware Guarantee does not extend to cover wear and tear on cill caused by foot traffic.

8.3.8 Joinery Made to Measure/Order Products The Seller reserves the right to charge for any costs or expenses incurred, should the Buyer decide to cancel/amend any order for special products, once the order has been accepted.

8.3.9 All Other Product Manufactured by The Seller 1 year against manufacturing defect.

8.4 The following products not manufactured by the Seller are guaranteed against manufacturing defect (subject to the provisions of clauses 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9 below) for the following periods:

8.4.1 Kitchen Appliances and Extras White goods, taps and sinks carry manufacturer’s guarantee only (subject to Buyer registering such guarantee with the manufacturer)

8.4.2 Double Glazing 5 years subject to the glazing installation being carried out in accordance with GGF Guidelines and BS 8000 Part 7 for on site glazing. Visual defects such as manufacturing scratches will be classed as permissible unless outside of the specification set within the GGF Guidelines relating to manufacturing tolerances applicable for the time being. For the avoidance of doubt, |no liability is accepted by the Seller for the costs of fixing, removing or repainting necessitated by any replacement, nor for minor imperfections, deliberate acts of misuse, accidents or negligence.

8.4.3 uPVC Products 5 Years against manufacturing defect 1 year on hardware

8.4.4 Kitchens 20 years against manufacturing defect on carcases only 5 years against manufacturing defect on frontals 1 year against manufacturing defect on pelmets, cornices, plinths, trims

8.4.5 All Other Products Supplied but not Manufactured by The seller 1 year against manufacturing defect

8.4.6 Manufacturer Guarantees If any product supplied but not manufactured by the Seller has the benefit of a separate manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty then the Seller, to the extent that it has the right and is reasonably able to do so, transfers such of the manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty relating to such product to the Buyer on the following terms: (a) on the strict understanding that such guarantee or warranty is being given by the manufacturer alone and no further guarantee or warranty is being provided by the Seller; and (b) the guarantee or warranty to be provided by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the manufacturer’s terms and conditions that are provided with the relevant products or which are detailed on the Seller’s website under the relevant section for the product being supplied and these include the manufacturer’s installation and maintenance guidelines which must be strictly adhered to in order for the manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty to remain valid; and (c) the Buyer shall contact the manufacturer direct and not the Seller in relation to any issue relating to the quality or condition of the products.

8.5 The Seller shall not be liable for Goods’ failure to comply with any warranty or guarantee in any of the following events:

8.5.1 The Buyer continues to use the Goods after giving the Seller notice that some or all of the Goods do not comply with their warranty or guarantee;

8.5.2 The defect arises because the Buyer failed to follow the Seller’s oral or written instructions as to the storage, commissioning, installation, use or maintenance of the Goods or (if there are none) good trade and practice regarding the same;

8.5.3 The defect arises as a result of the Seller following any drawing, design or specification supplied by the Buyer;

8.5.4 The Buyer alters or repairs such Goods without the written consent of the Seller;

8.5.5 The defect arises as a result of fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, or abnormal storage or working conditions; or

8.5.6 The Goods differ from their description or specification as a result of changes made to ensure they comply with applicable statutory or regulatory requirements.

8.6 The Seller reserves the right to alter product features or adjust specifications at any time. If a product is no longer available the Seller will supply the nearest equivalent. The Seller does not guarantee that replacement products will provide an exact match.

8.7 Since many of the Seller’s Goods are made from timber or other natural products, no warranty is or shall be given that they will be the same in all material respects as any sample, and they may therefore be subject to variation of shade, colour and texture.

8.8 The Buyer must notify the Seller in Writing of any claim under clause 8 hereof within seven days of the date of delivery (whether or not delivery is refused by the Buyer) or (where the defect or failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection) within seven days after the defect or failure was, or should reasonably have been, discovered, and in any event within the relevant guarantee period. Such notification must be accompanied by proof of purchase.

8.9 All Goods must be stored in a dry place. The Seller shall not accept any responsibility if Goods are not so stored.

8.10 Where any valid claim in respect of the Goods which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the Goods or their failure to meet specification, is notified to the Seller in accordance with these Conditions, the Seller shall be entitled to repair or replace the Goods or any Mechanical Component thereof or any other part of the Goods in question, free of charge or, at the Seller’s sole discretion, refund to the Buyer the price of the Goods (or a proportionate part of the price), and the Seller shall have no further obligation to refit nor pay for refitting of any replacement product nor shall the Seller have any further or other liability to the Buyer.

8.11 Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Seller’s negligence, the Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer by reason of any representation, or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for loss of profit or for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of the Seller, its employees, agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods (including any delay in supplying or any failure to supply the Goods in accordance with the Contract or at all) or their use or resale by the Buyer and the entire liability of the Seller under or in connection with the Contract shall not exceed the price of the Goods, except as expressly provided in these Conditions.

  1. Fire check doors and door frames

All fire doors supplied by the Seller comply with the requirements of relevant Building Regulations and are constructed in an identical fashion to those tested to BS476 Part 22 by the Seller at a registered test house. Where the door frame is not supplied by the Seller, it is the responsibility of the Buyer to ensure that the frame used is identical to the frame as tested. No liability shall be accepted in respect of fire doors supplied by the Seller where door frames used are not of the correct specification.

  1. Metric measure – sheet materials only All sheet material is sold in metric measure. All metric surface dimensions and thicknesses are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
  2. Force majeure All sheet material is sold in metric measure. All metric surface dimensions and thicknesses are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.

11.1 The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer or be deemed to be in breach of the Contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of the Seller’s obligations in relation to the Goods, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Seller’s reasonable control. Without limiting the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond the Seller’s reasonable control:

11.1.1 Act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident;

11.1.2 War or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition;

11.1.3 Acts, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority (in any jurisdiction);

11.1.4 Import or export regulations or embargoes (in any jurisdiction);

11.1.5 Strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving employees of the Seller or of a third party);

11.1.6 Difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labour, fuel, parts or machinery;

11.1.7 Power failure or breakdown in machinery.

  1. Indemnity

12.1 If a claim is made against the Buyer that the Goods infringe or that their use or resale infringes the patent, copyright, design, trade mark or other industrial or intellectual property rights of any other person, then unless the claim arises from the use of a drawing, design or specification supplied and/or imposed by the Buyer, the Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all loss, damages, costs and expenses awarded against or incurred by the Buyer in connection with the claim, or paid or agreed to be paid by the Buyer in settlement of the claim, provided that:

12.1.1 The Seller is given full control of all proceedings and/or negotiations in connection with the claim;

12.1.2 The Buyer shall give the Seller all reasonable assistance for the purposes of any such proceedings or negotiations;

12.1.3 Except pursuant to a final award, the Buyer shall not pay or accept the claim, or compromise any such proceedings without the consent of the Seller (which shall not be unreasonably withheld);

12.1.4 The Buyer shall do nothing which would or might vitiate any policy of insurance or insurance cover which the Buyer may have in relation to such infringement, and this indemnity shall not apply to the extent that the Buyer recovers any sums under any such policy or cover (which the Buyer shall use its best endeavours to do);

12.1.5 The Seller shall be entitled to the benefit of, and the Buyer shall accordingly account to the Seller for, all damages and costs (if any) awarded in favour of the Buyer which are payable by, or agreed with the consent of the Buyer (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) to be paid by, any other party in respect of any such claim;

12.1.6 Without limiting any duty of the Buyer at common law, the Seller may require the Buyer to take such steps as the Seller may reasonably require to mitigate or reduce any such loss, damages, costs or expenses for which the Seller is liable to indemnify the Buyer under this clause; and

12.1.7 The Buyer will notify the Seller of the respective claim or complaint as soon as practicable after the Buyer learns of the claim or complaint, and in any event within twenty eight days of the first knowledge by the Buyer of such claim or complaint.

  1. Insolvency of buyer

13.1 The Seller shall be entitled to cancel the Contract without any liability to the Buyer and if the Goods have been delivered but not paid for, and unless the Goods are returned forthwith to the Seller in the condition in which the Goods were delivered to the Buyer, the full price shall become immediately due and payable notwithstanding any previous agreement or arrangement to the contrary in the following circumstances:

13.1.1 (Where the Buyer is a company or other corporation): inability of the Buyer to pay its debts or in the opinion of the Seller having no reasonable prospect of being able to pay its debts, enters into liquidation either compulsory or voluntary (except for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), the passing of a resolution for a creditors’ winding-up, the making of a proposal to the company and its creditors for a composition in satisfaction of its debts or a scheme of arrangement of affairs, an application to the Court for an Administration Order or the appointment of a receiver or administrative receiver;

13.1.2 (Where the Buyer is an individual or partnership): inability of the Buyer to pay his debts or in the opinion of the Seller having no reasonable prospect of being able to pay his debts, the presentation of a bankruptcy petition, the making of a proposal to his creditors for a composition in satisfaction of his debts or a scheme of arrangement of his affairs or the application to the Court for an Interim Order or the appointment of a receiver or an interim receiver and in relation to the various events of insolvency they shall wherever appropriate be interpreted in accordance and in conjunction with the relevant provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986.

13.2 If this clause applies then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller shall also be entitled to cancel and/or suspend any further deliveries under the Contract without any liability to the Seller.

  1. Applicable Law

The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and each party agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts as regards any claim or matter arising under this Contract.

  1. Third party rights No provision within these Conditions is intended for the benefit of any third party and the parties do not intend that the benefit of any provision of these Conditions should be enforceable by a third party either under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
  2. Entire agreement

16.1 These Conditions are the terms and conditions applicable to all purchases from the Seller by the Buyer and, for the avoidance of doubt, any terms and conditions of purchase upon which the Buyer seeks to rely when dealing with the Seller are not accepted by the Seller.

16.2 If any provision of these Conditions is held by any Court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, the other provisions of these Conditions and the remainder of the affected provisions shall continue to be valid.

  1. Notice

17.1 Any notice or other communication given to a party under or in connection with the Contract shall be in Writing, addressed to that party at its registered office (if it is a company) or its principal place of business (in any other case) or such other address as that party may have specified to the other party in Writing in accordance with this clause, and shall be delivered personally, sent by pre-paid first class post, recorded delivery, commercial courier, fax.

17.2 A notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been received: if delivered personally, when left at the address referred to in clause 17.1; if sent by pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery, at 9.00 am on the second Business Day after posting; if delivered by commercial courier, on the date and at the time that the courier’s delivery receipt is signed; or, if sent by fax, one Business Day after transmission.

We reserve the right to change the specification of our products. Images shown are for illustration purposes only. All prices shown are inclusive of VAT chargeable at the current 20% rate. If you are logged in as a Magnet Trade account holder all prices shown are exclusive of VAT chargeabale at the current 20% rate. All prices shown include discounts. No further discounts are available. Offers and products correct at time of publishing and may be subject to revision without prior consent. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Offers and prices may vary in individual Magnet Trade stores. Offers are strictly available to Magnet Trade account holders only. Offers subject to availability. Offers do not apply to the supply of contract kitchens.


Payments made through this website are processed by Nobia Holding UK Ltd a company registered in UK under company number GB763505038 whose registered office is at 3 Allington Way, Yarm Road Business Park, Darlington, DL1 4XT.

Accepted payment methods in store include most major debit cards (excluding American Express) or cash up to the value of £10,000. Magnet Trade credit account holders can make payment via most major debit cards (excluding American Express) online or in store, bank transfer or cash up to the value of £10,000 in store.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

The goods may only be returned by the buyer at the discretion of the respective store manager if adequate proof and date of purchase is given and the goods are in the original wrapped packaging (where applicable) and undamaged. The seller reserves the right in the event that the goods are accepted back by the seller to charge a reasonable amount in respect of a restocking and administration charge

Trade Account

You agree we may, in relation to this application and during our business relationship, make a search (and at reasonable intervals update such search) with credit reference agencies, who will keep a record of that search and will share that information with other businesses. We may also make enquiries about the principal applicants/directors/partners/proprietors with credit reference agencies. We may monitor and record information to credit reference agencies, who will share that information with other businesses in assessing applications for credit and fraud prevention. We may share the results with other group companies. We use automated credit scoring when dealing with your application for credit to decide whether or not to accept it in relation to entering a contract with you. If you do not agree with the decision we will consider your representations.

Trade Kitchen Prices and Kitchen Promotions

All prices displayed on our website and within our literature are for illustrative purposes and are based on a typical 8 unit kitchen. Prices are ex VAT and include a trade discount. The price includes the kitchen cabinets, price excludes end panels, plinths and trims. Quotes are valid for 60 days. Magnet Trade Accounts only. Offers do not apply to the supply of contract project kitchens.

Trade Referral Rewards

A 10% Referral Reward is available when your customer purchases a kitchen, containing 6 or more units, through one of our retail team. 10% of the ex VAT sale value will be credited to your Trade Account at the point of delivery and cannot be exchanged for cash. Credit must be used within 6 months. Offers are strictly available to Magnet Credit Trade Account holders. Offers do not apply to the supply of contract project kitchens.

17.0 SMG Prize Draw Survey

  1. PROMOTER: This promotion is operated by Magnet Limited (part of Nobia Holdings UK Limited), registered offices at 3 Allington Way, Yarm Road Business Park, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 4XT ("We" or “US” thereafter). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 02762625.
  2. OPENING AND CLOSING DATE: This promotion is a monthly prize draw. Each prize draw will run from the 1st day of the calendar month to the final day of the same calendar month from 00.01 (first day of month) and will close at 23.59 (last day of calendar month). If an entry is made after that monthly prize draw has closed, it will be automatically entered into the next months' prize draw. Any entries made before the launch date of the survey and after the closing date will not be valid.
  3. ELIGIBILITY: This promotion is open to UK residents. However, employees of the promoter (or any of its group undertakings and agencies who are directly connected with the creation and administration of this promotion) are excluded from entering this promotion. If you are under the age of 18, you must obtain written parental or guardian consent to enter and (if you win) claim your prize. Winners may be asked proof of age.
  4. HOW TO ENTER: To enter the prize draw you must have access to the internet to complete and submit a survey, a valid email address, and opt in to be included in the prize draw on the relevant page within the survey.
  5. PRIZES: Each month there is one (1) prize to be won per survey type. Maximum one prize per winner per monthly prize draw. Retail survey prize is £150 John Lewis/Waitrose Voucher and Trade survey prize is Makita 18v drill with 2x batteries. We may substitute or change the prizes for a prize of an equivalent or greater value if circumstances beyond our control make it necessary to do so.
  6. WINNER SELECTION: Winners will be drawn at random on or within 15 working days of the closing date by a randomised computer process.
  7. NOTIFICATION: If you win, you will be notified by email using the email address provided on your entry form within 10 working days following the date when winners are drawn. If a winner does not respond to us within 10 days of being notified by us, then the winner's prize will be forfeited, and no new winner will be picked from the remaining eligible entries.
  8. DECISIONS OF THE PROMOTER: If there is any dispute about the receipt of validity of any entry or any other aspect of the promotion, this will be decided by us. Our decision regarding any aspect of the promotion is final and binding and no future correspondence will be considered about the issue.
  9. DISQUALIFICATION: We reserve the right to reject any entry, withhold any prize and disqualify you from the promotion if we suspect you of failing to comply with these terms and conditions or of fraud, cheating or dishonesty.
  10. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENTRIES NOT RECEIVED: We accept no responsibility for entries not successfully received by us, or which are delayed, due to a technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind.
  11. USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION TO ADMINISTER PROMOTION: We may collect personal information from you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (‘DPA’), the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations (‘PECR’) and the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’).

12: CANCELLATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF PROMOTION: We reserve the right at our absolute discretion to withdraw or cancel this promotion without prior notice and without liability to any party if it becomes necessary to do so.

CHANGES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with such changes.

RELEVANT LAW: This promotion and these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts if any dispute arises.

AGREEMENT TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Entry to this promotion shall constitute your acceptance of these terms and conditions your agreement to be bound by them. These terms and conditions take effect immediately upon entry to the promotion.

20.0 Consumer Offers

20.1 Half Price/50% OFF Kitchen Units when you buy 5 or more

1. Purchase 5 or more complete kitchen units (comprising carcase, doors, and hinges) and save 50% off the cost of the units purchased.

2. 50% discount only applies to complete kitchen units, it does not apply to installation, appliances, worktops, handles, or other elements purchased with the units.

3. This 50% off kitchen units multibuy offer can be used in conjunction with other offers where specified in the relevant offer conditions.

4. Offer cannot be applied retrospectively once an order has been completed. The offer is not valid in Magnet Trade stores.

20.2 Credit Account Incentive

20.2.1 £50 credit offer

Magnet Trade Credit Terms & Conditions apply. Open to verified trade customers only between 19th August – 2nd November 2024. Applicants must provide proof of ID and business in-store. Successful applications will be processed within 5 days. £50 credit will automatically be applied to accounts on opening. Credit cannot be exchanged for cash and must be used within 12 months. No purchase necessary. Magnet reserves the right to amend, withdraw or suspend this offer at any point. 

20.2.2 Free DeWalt kit

Promotion runs 19th August – 2nd November 2024. New Magnet Trade credit accounts qualify for a free DeWalt kit upon the despatch and invoice of a kitchen with a value over £2,000 ex VAT. A qualifying kitchen purchase is 6 configurable cabinets or more. To participate customers must provide a valid email and mobile number. The powertool will be dispatched to the address on the account by the 1st December 2024. Magnet cannot be held responsible for inaccurate address or contact information provided. Magnet reserves the right to amend, withdraw or suspend this offer at any point. 

21.0 Magnet More

By entering the promotion, entrants agree to these terms. These terms apply in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials.

Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT
Operator: The Marketing Lounge Partnership Ltd (MLP), The Cow Shed, Walnut Tree Farm, Lower Stretton, Cheshire WA4 4PG. Registered in England No. 06467245 (MLP)


1.This promotion is open to Magnet Trade Account customers only who are UK residents aged 18 or over and hold a Verified Magnet Trade Account with a credit limit of £1 or greater. Whom opt in to participate in the promotion and provide a valid email address.

2.By participating in the promotion, you confirm that you are the Business owner and if you are not the Business owner, you have the express authority to act on behalf of the Business and the person making the application on behalf of the Business has gained permission from their employer to take part in the promotion and to accept the Reward should you qualify. You hereby confirm that the Business is eligible to participate in the promotion in accordance with these Conditions.

Entry Requirements

3.The Promotional Period will run between 29th July – 2nd November (inclusive).

4.To participate in the Reward, you must opt into the promotion via the website: www.magnetmore.co.uk/register using your Magnet Trade Account Number and a valid email address. Registration can take place at any time during the promotion.

5.All qualifying sales must be invoiced against the same Magnet Trade Account Number that was used when registering for the promotion. Where a customer holds multiple trade accounts, sales across multiple trade accounts will not be consolidated.

6.To receive a Reward, you must spend over £5000 exc. VAT at Magnet Trade during the Promotional Period. In this promotion, the rewards are split into 3 Tiers. If you spend the minimum £5000 exc. VAT, you will qualify for the 1st Tier, if you spend £10000 exc. VAT you will qualify for the 2nd Tier, and if you spend £15000 exc. VAT you will qualify for the 3rd Tier. The spend required to meet the thresholds can be made up of a single transaction or multiple transactions within the promotional period. Purchases must meet the following criteria:

  • Purchases are based on total delivered (invoiced) business.
    • Qualifying spend is on an ex-VAT basis and includes Joinery and Kitchens, excludes Delivery & Admin charges. Direct Delivery (DD) on business charged to a trade account is included but must be delivered during the period.

The following shall not count towards the spend thresholds:

  1. the VAT element of any Magnet Trade invoice;
    b. Channel 3 (aka CKS/Magnet Projects/LNPG) spend is excluded
    c. any products indirectly purchased for the participating Trade Account Customer through or by another party on the Business’s behalf.
    d. Any delivery or administration charges.


16.This promotion is provided and managed on the Promoter’s behalf by The Marketing Lounge Partnership Limited (MLP), (Company number 06467245) of The Cow Shed, Walnut Tree Farm, Lower Stretton, Cheshire, United Kingdom, WA4 4PG.

17.The Promoter and MLP will keep your information confidential and only share it with others for the purposes explained in these Terms and Conditions and in their Privacy Policy. To deliver the Reward, MLP works with carefully selected third parties who carry out services on their behalf.

18.For customers who have opted into marketing, Magnet Trade will use your data to send relevant trade exclusive promotions and information

19.It is the responsibility of the participating customers to declare any tax liabilities and/or NI implications that may arise from a Business’s redemption of their Reward.

20.Any personal data relating to the promotion will be used in accordance with current UK data protection legislation, and by accepting these Terms & Conditions you also agree to the Privacy Policy, which can be found here.

21.If you have a question about your Reward, you may contact the Marketing Lounge Partnership Limited Customer Services team on 01565 656 404. Please note their operating hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5.30pm (excluding Public and Bank Holidays).

22.MLP are not authorised to assist with any queries specifically associated with your Magnet Trade Account or products associated with Magnet Trade. In such instances, you should contact your local Magnet store directly.

23.These Conditions shall be governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

24.The Promoter reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions or cancel the Promotion at any stage in the event of circumstances arising beyond its control and only where circumstances make this unavoidable but will use all reasonable endeavours to minimise the effect to participants to avoid undue disappointment.

The Rewards

7.If you meet the eligibility criteria and spend over £5000 at Magnet Trade within the promotional period, you will be eligible to claim from the following gifts/gift bundles:

  • DEWALT 18v Brushless Combi Drill & Impact Driver
  • Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum WD 3 + Window Vac WV 2 Plus N + High Pressure Washer K2 Classic
  • Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Gen) & 2 x AirTags
  • Weber Q1000 Gas Barbecue
  • Night Away for Two + Choice of Spa/Track/Fun
  2. If you meet the eligibility criteria and spend over £10000 at Magnet Trade within the promotional period, you will be eligible to claim from the following gifts/gift bundles:
  • DEWALT 18v Brushless Combi Drill & Impact Driver & 3-Speed Multi-Tool
  • Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum WD1 Battery Set + WV1 + High Pressure Washer K5 Classic
  • Nintendo Switch OLED + Nintendo Switch Lite
  • Bose QuietComfort SE Headphones + Bose TV Speaker
  • 2-Night Stay with Breakfast + Family/Team Adventure
  1. If you meet the eligibility criteria and spend over £15000 at Magnet Trade within the promotional period, you will be eligible to claim from the following gifts/gift bundles:
  • DEWALT 18v Brushless Combi Drill & Impact Driver + Multi-Tool + Circular Saw
  • Karcher Wet Dry Vac WD 6 P Premium + Window Vac 5 plus + K5 Premium Smart Control Pressure Washer Karcher
  • Microsoft Xbox Series X + Nintendo Switch OLED
  • Weber Spirit II E-320 GBS Gas Barbecue
  • The Ultimate Family Experience Bundle – 2 Night Stay with Breakfast, Team/Family Adventure, Spa for Two, Track Experience for Two.
  1. If you have met the threshold for all 3 Tiers, you are free to choose which Tier you select your gift from.
  • If you spend over £5000 exc. VAT within the promotional period, you will be eligible for 1 x Tier 1 reward.
  • If you spend over £10000 exc. VAT within the promotional period, you will be eligible for 1 x Tier 2 reward OR 2 x Tier 1 reward.
  • If you spend over £15000 exc. VAT within the promotional period, you will be eligible for 1 x Tier 3 reward OR 3 x Tier 1 reward OR a combination of 1 x Tier 1 reward and 1 x Tier 2 reward.

11.1. Once a customer has reached a total spend of £15000 excluding VAT within the promotional period, any additional spending beyond this amount will not be eligible for further rewards.

11.2. For example, if a customer spends £15000 and claims:

  • 3 x Tier 1 rewards, or
  • 1 x Tier 3 reward, or
  • A combination of 1 x Tier 1 reward and 1 x Tier 2 reward,

they will not be able to claim any additional rewards regardless of further spending within the promotional period.

  1. The Reward is as stated and nothing else is included and no cash alternative is offered
  3. The Reward is non-transferable, and no part or parts of the reward may be substituted for other benefits, items or additions or price reductions. No refunds will be available from either Magnet Trade or MLP.
  5. Magnet reserves the right to substitute the Reward with another of equivalent value without giving notice.


Specific Reward T&C’s

Physical Gifts

DEWALT 18v Brushless Combi Drill & Impact Driver

  • You will receive: 1 x 18V XR Brushless twin kit including, DCD796 Hammer Drill Driver, DCF887 Impact Driver, 2 X DCB184 5Ah batteries, DCB115 4A charger and TSTAK kitbox.
  • This product includes: (1) DCD996 18V XR BRUSHLESS SPEED HAMMERDILL, (1) DCF887 18V XR BRUSHLESS IMPACT DRIVER, (1) DCB115 Multi-Voltage Charger, (1) DS150 Tough System Kit Box, Cordless functionality.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum WD 3

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum WD 3 in colour Yellow.
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 349 x 328 x 492 x 4.5kg
  • The product includes: Single-part cartridge filter, Practical cable and accessory storage, Hose storage on the device head, Practical blower function, Fleece filter bag, "Pull & Push" locking system, 2 suction tubes.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher Window Vac WV 2 Plus N

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher Window Vac WV 2 Plus N in colour White.
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 120 x 280 x 320x 0.6kg
  • The product includes: Battery charger, Standard spray bottle with microfibre cloth, Glass Cleaning Concentrate (1 × 20 ml), Exchangeable suction nozzle, LED Display.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher High Pressure Washer K2 Classic

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher High Pressure Washer K2 Classic in colour Yellow.
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 178 x 219 x 415 x 3.4kg
  • The product includes: High-pressure gun: G 120 Q, One-way spray lance, Dirt Blaster spray lance, High-pressure hose: 3 m, Adapter garden hose A3/4", Integrated water filter.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation)

  • You will receive: 1 x Apple Airpods Pro (2nd Generation) with 1 MagSafe Charging Case.
  • The product includes: adaptive audio, active noise cancellation, personalised spatial audio with dynamic head tracking, dust, sweat and water resistant, up to 6 hours of listening time with a single charge.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • Due to hygiene regulations, earrings and in ear headphones are non-returnable.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Apple AirTags

  • You will receive: 2 x Apple AirTags, Diameter: 31.9 mm (1.26 inches) Height: 8.0 mm (0.31 inches) Weight 11 grams (0.39 ounces)
  • The product includes: Bluetooth connectivity, splash, water and dust resistance, User-replaceable CR2032 coin cell battery, built in speaker and accelerometer sensor.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Weber Q1000 Gas Barbecue

  • You will receive: 1 x Weber Q1000 Gas Barbecue.
  • Dimensions - Lid Closed (centimetres) 36.9cm H x 68.6cm W x 42cm D
  • The prize includes 1 stainless steel burner with Porcelain-enamelled, cast-iron cooking grates. Product requires Liquid Petroleum Gas (disposable cartridge sold separately)
  • Warranty information: Cookbox - 5 years, no rust through/burn through (2 years paint excluding fading or discolouration). Lid assembly - 5 years, no rust through/burn through (2 years paint excluding fading or discolouration). Stainless steel burner tubes - 5 years, no rust through/burn through. Porcelain-enamelled cast iron cooking grates - 5 years, no rust through/burn through. Plastic components - 5 years (excluding fading or discolouration). All remaining parts - 2 years.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum WD1 Battery Set

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner WD1 Battery Set
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 386 x 279 x 312 x 3.1kg
  • The product includes: 18 V / 2.5 Ah Battery Power battery (1 pc.), Battery charger: 18 V Battery Power standard charger (1 pc.), Suction hose: 1.2 m, Cartridge filter: two-part, Crevice nozzle, Upholstery nozzle, Paper filter bag: 1 Piece(s), Blower function, Accessory storage on the device
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher High Pressure Washer K5 Classic

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher High Pressure Washer K5 Classic
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 188 x 252 x 445 x 5.6kg
  • The product includes: High-pressure gun: G 180 Q, Vario Power spray lance, Dirt Blaster spray lance, High-pressure hose: 8 m, Adapter garden hose A3/4", Quick Connect on machine, Detergent application via: Suction, Telescopic handle, Integrated water filter.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Nintendo Switch Lite

  • You will receive: 1 x Nintendo Switch Lite (Yellow).
  • This Prize includes a 5.5-inch LCD display with 32GB storage – it is dedicated to handheld play and is compact and lightweight. The build in controllers support both analogue and digital play, and the device is compatible with both local and online multiplayer.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Bose QuietComfort SE Headphones

  • You will receive: 1 x Bose QuietComfort SE Headphones in colour Black.
  • 24 x 22.86 x 10.16 cm; 300 g
  • The product includes: wireless connectivity, active noise cancellation, 3.5mm Jack, leather material.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Bose TV Speaker

  • You will receive: 1 x Bose TV Speaker (Soundbar) in colour Black.
  • 6 cm H x 59.4 cm W x 10.2 cm D (2 kg)
  • The product includes: matte finish with metal grille, Bluetooth connectivity with range up to 30ft, HDMI ARC, Optical in, AUX in.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

DEWALT Circular Saw

  • You will receive: 1 x DCS579 54V Circular Saw with 9Ah battery
  • This product includes: Rip Fence, Precision 24 Tooth Saw Blade, Additional handle, Compatible with DEWALT Airlock system, Dust blower, LED work light for improved cut line visibility.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher Wet Dry Vac WD 6 Premium

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher Wet Dry Vac WD6 Premium
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 418 x 382 x 693 x 9.6kg
  • The product includes: Suction hose: 2.2 m, with bent handle, removable handle with electrostatic protection, Suction tubes: 2 Piece(s), 0.5 m, 35 mm, Stainless steel, Wet and dry floor nozzle: Switchable, Crevice nozzle, Flexible suction hose: 1 m, 35 mm, Adapter for connecting electric tools, Fleece filter bag: 1 Piece(s), Flat pleated filter: in removable filter cartridge
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher Window Vac 5 Plus

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher Window Vac 5 Plus
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 125 x 280 x 325x 0.7kg
  • The product includes: Battery charger, Premium spray bottle with microfibre cloth, Glass Cleaning Concentrate (1 × 20 ml), Exchangeable suction nozzle
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Karcher K5 Premium Smart Control Pressure Washer

  • You will receive: 1 x Karcher K5 Premium Smart Control Pressure Washer
  • Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 414 x 306 x 588 x 14kg
  • The product includes: 3-in-1 Multi Jet, High-pressure hose: 10 m, Adapter Garden hose A3/4", Integral high-pressure hose reel, Quick Connect on machine, Detergent application via: Plug and Clean system, Telescopic handle, Water-cooled motor, Integrated water filter, Bluetooth compatible.
  • There is a 24-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Microsoft XBOX Series X

  • You will receive: 1 x Microsoft XBOX Series X in colour Black.
  • This Prize includes true 4k Ultra HD Gaming and up to 120 Frames per second, HDMI port for use in TV mode, 1TB of internal storage.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Weber Spirit II E-320 GBS Gas Barbecue

  • You will receive: 1 x Weber Spirit II E-320 GBS Gas Barbecue.
  • Dimensions - Lid Closed (centimetres) 36.9cm H x 68.6cm W x 42cm D
  • The prize includes 3 stainless steel burners with Gourmet BBQ System Porcelain-enamelled, cast-iron cooking grates, 2 durable all-weather wheels, 2 side tables and a build-in lid thermometer. Product requires Liquid Petroleum Gas (refillable cylinder sold separately).
  • This product has a manufacturer warranty of 10 years (Warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear).
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

Nintendo Switch OLED

  • You will receive: 1 x Nintendo Switch OLED.
  • This Prize includes a 7-inch vibrant OLED screen, a wide adjustable stand for tabletop mode, a new dock with a wired LAN port for use in TV mode, 64 GB of internal storage, and enhanced audio for handheld and tabletop play.
  • There is a 12-month manufacturer warranty on this item.
  • This gift will be delivered to your chosen delivery address.
  • No cash alternative.

Promoter reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the voucher at any time. Promoter: Magnet Limited (registered in England and Wales under Company registration number 02762625) whose registered office is Allington Way, Darlington, DL1 4XT

  • The rewards offered in this promotion come with varying warranty periods as specified by the manufacturers.
  • Some rewards may be eligible for extended warranties if the customer registers the product with the manufacturer.
  • It is the customer's responsibility to register their reward product with the manufacturer to qualify for any extended warranty coverage.
  • Magnet Trade is not responsible for registering the product on behalf of the customer or for any consequences resulting from the customer's failure to register the product.
  • Customers should refer to the documentation provided with their reward product for detailed instructions on how to register and the specific terms of the warranty.
  • By participating in this promotional campaign, customers agree to abide by these terms and conditions, including the responsibility for product registration to obtain extended warranty coverage.

For ‘Take Time’ Packages

Spa Experience

  1. This offer entitles one adult to a Spa Experience for One at a participating venue, free of charge with no obligation to purchase additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks. Please note that a service charge may be applied, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid by them, directly to the venue.
  3. The offer is based on one adult, any upgrades are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  5. It is the customer’s responsibility to advise Take Time Reservations Department of any dietary restrictions, food allergies or medical conditions at the time of booking. Take Time strongly advise that customers also inform the venue on arrival of any such allergies, dietary restrictions or medical conditions.
  7. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms & conditions. Age restrictions for treatments may apply.
  9. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  11. The duration and content of the treatment(s) vary and is dependent on the individual venue.
  12. Some treatments may require a patch test prior to your appointment, please enquire at the time of booking.
  13. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Experiences website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  15. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Spa Experience for One needs to be booked and taken by.
  17. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  19. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  21. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings, your preferred date at a particular venue may not be available.
  23. This offer does not apply to reservations that include a public or bank holiday in the UK and Ireland, such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day and school holidays.
  25. Any additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks and/or upgrades over and above the Spa Experience for One such as Champagne or alcoholic beverages will need to be paid (payable by you) directly to the venue at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; the Spa Experience for One is pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  27. All information published within the Spa Experience for One offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  29. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  31. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks.
  33. If you cancel your booking, your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks will not be refunded.
  34. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  36. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  37. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Code to create a consecutive treatments.
  39. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  41. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  43. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge that there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  45. The Promoter and any associated partner do not guarantee the quality of the services offered by your chosen venue and cannot be held responsible for any resulting disagreements.
  47. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  49. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  50. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues.
  52. Venues/therapists provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  54. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions, discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  56. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.

2-Night Stay with Breakfast

  1. This offer entitles two adults to a consecutive Two Night Stay including breakfast at a participating venue, free of charge, with no obligation to purchase meals or beverages.
  3. The offer is based on two adults sharing a standard twin or double room. Room upgrades (e.g. to a family room) to include additional guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at time of booking.
  5. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms & conditions.
  7. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  9. Bookings can only be made for the venues listed on the Two Night Stay website and can only be made between 1 - 14 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 14 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  11. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Two Night Stay needs to be booked and taken by.
  13. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  15. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  17. All stays are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict room allocation policy for promotional bookings, your preferred date at a particular venue may not be available.
  19. This offer does not apply to reservations that include a public or bank holiday in the UK and Ireland, such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day and school holidays.
  21. Other than breakfast, meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase or when checking out of the venue.
  22. A charge will apply (payable by you) for room upgrades/special facilities (sea/lake view/four poster beds) or any other such supplements e.g. pet supplements.
  24. Any additional nights’ accommodation or room upgrades are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; rooms are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  26. All information published within the Take Time Two Night Stay offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional nights, upgrades and meals is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  28. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  30. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking more than two night’s accommodation, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional night.
  32. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for room upgrades, or meals for the length of your stay will not be refunded.
  33. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  35. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or holiday insurance associated with the use of the offer is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  37. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive night stay.
  39. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  41. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  43. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  45. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  47. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  48. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  50. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  52. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.


Team/Family Adventure

  1. The offer entitles four adults or two adults and two children to a Fun Day Out at a participating venue, with no obligation to purchase additional services.
  3. Venues may apply a service charge, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid, by them, directly to the venue, which may be forfeited in the case of cancellations.
  5. The offer is based on four adults or two adults and two children. Additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  7. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms and conditions. Age restrictions may apply for some attractions.
  9. Age, health, weight, height, fitness and ability or other restrictions may apply to certain activities. Any restrictions will be detailed on the individual venue’s page. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before booking. Any cancellations made as a result of a medical condition will not be refunded.
  10. Please be aware that participation in some activities may affect personal/life insurance. Some activities may require a signed waiver form in order to participate. Proof of age may be required.
  12. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  14. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Experiences website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  16. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Fun Day Out needs to be booked and taken by.
  18. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  20. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  22. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings. Your preferred date at a particular attraction may not be available.
  24. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day, school holidays, public and Bank Holidays. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited.
  26. Meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase.
  28. A charge will apply (payable by you) for any additional upgrades, meals or guests.
  30. Any additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; venues are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  32. All information published within the Fun Day Out offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional upgrades, meals or guests is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  33. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  35. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional upgrades, meals or guests, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional upgrade, meal or guest.
  37. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for upgrades, meals or guests will not be refunded.
  39. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  41. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  43. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive booking on the same day.
  45. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  47. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  49. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  51. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  53. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  54. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  56. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  58. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.

The Ultimate Experience Bundle

The Ultimate Experience Bundle consists of 1 x 2-Night stay with Breakfast, 1 x Team/Family Adventure (2 adults + 2 children OR 4 adults), 1 x Spa for two, 1x Track experience for two. Full terms below:

  1. This offer entitles two adults to a Spa Experience for Two at a participating venue, free of charge with no obligation to purchase additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks. Please note that a service charge may be applied, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid by them, directly to the venue.
  3. The offer is based on two adults, any upgrades are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  5. It is the customer’s responsibility to advise Take Time Reservations Department of any dietary restrictions, food allergies or medical conditions at the time of booking. Take Time strongly advise that customers also inform the venue on arrival of any such allergies, dietary restrictions or medical conditions.
  7. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms & conditions. Age restrictions for treatments may apply.
  9. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  11. The duration and content of the treatment(s) vary and is dependent on the individual venue.
  13. Some treatments may require a patch test prior to your appointment, please enquire at the time of booking.
  14. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Spa Experience for Two website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  16. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Spa Experience for Two needs to be booked and taken by.
  18. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  20. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  22. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings, your preferred date at a particular venue may not be available.
  24. This offer does not apply to reservations that include a public or bank holiday in the UK and Ireland, such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day and school holidays.
  26. Any additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks and/or upgrades over and above the Spa Experience for Two such as Champagne, alcoholic beverages will need to be paid (payable by you) directly to the venue at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; the Spa Experience for Two is pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  28. All information published within the Spa Experience for Two offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  30. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  32. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional guest, products, treatments, food or drinks.
  34. If you cancel your booking, your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for additional guests, products, treatments, food or drinks will not be refunded.
  35. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  37. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  38. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Code to create a consecutive treatments.
  40. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  42. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  44. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge that there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  46. The Promoter and any associated partner do not guarantee the quality of the services offered by your chosen venue and cannot be held responsible for any resulting disagreements.
  48. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  50. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  51. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues/therapists provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  53. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions, discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  55. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.
  57. This offer entitles two adults to a consecutive Two Night Stay including breakfast at a participating venue, free of charge, with no obligation to purchase meals or beverages.
  59. The offer is based on two adults sharing a standard twin or double room. Room upgrades (e.g. to a family room) to include additional guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at time of booking.
  61. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms & conditions.
  63. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  65. Bookings can only be made for the venues listed on the Two Night Stay website and can only be made between 1 - 14 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 14 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  67. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Two Night Stay needs to be booked and taken by.
  69. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  71. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  73. All stays are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict room allocation policy for promotional bookings, your preferred date at a particular venue may not be available.
  75. This offer does not apply to reservations that include a public or bank holiday in the UK and Ireland, such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day and school holidays.
  77. Other than breakfast, meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase or when checking out of the venue.
  78. A charge will apply (payable by you) for room upgrades/special facilities (sea/lake view/four poster beds) or any other such supplements e.g. pet supplements.
  80. Any additional nights’ accommodation or room upgrades are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; rooms are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  82. All information published within the Take Time Two Night Stay offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional nights, upgrades and meals is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  83. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  85. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking more than two night’s accommodation, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional night.
  87. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for room upgrades, or meals for the length of your stay will not be refunded.
  88. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  90. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or holiday insurance associated with the use of the offer is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  92. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive night stay.
  94. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  96. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  98. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  100. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  102. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  103. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  105. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  107. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.
  109. The offer entitles two adults to a Driving Experience at a participating venue, with no obligation to purchase additional services.
  111. Venues may apply a service charge, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid, by them, directly to the venue, which may be forfeited in the case of cancellations.
  113. The offer is based on two adults. Additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  115. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms and conditions. Age restrictions for treatments may apply.
  117. Age, health, weight, height, fitness and ability or other restrictions may apply to certain activities. Any restrictions will be detailed on the individual venue’s page. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before booking. Any cancellations made as a result of a medical condition will not be refunded.
  118. Please be aware that participation in some activities may affect personal/life insurance. Some activities may require a signed waiver form in order to participate. Proof of age may be required.
  120. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  122. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Experiences website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  124. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Driving Experience needs to be booked and taken by.
  126. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  128. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  130. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings. Your preferred date at a particular attraction may not be available.
  132. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day, school holidays, public and Bank Holidays. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited.
  134. Meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase.
  136. A charge will apply (payable by you) for any additional upgrades, meals or guests.
  137. Any additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; venues are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  139. All information published within the Driving Experience offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional upgrades, meals or guests is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  141. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  143. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional upgrades, meals or guests, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional upgrade, meal or guest.
  145. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for upgrades, meals or guests will not be refunded.
  147. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  149. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  150. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive booking on the same day.
  152. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  154. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  156. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  158. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  160. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  161. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  162. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  164. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.
  166. The offer entitles two adults and two children to an Adventure at a participating venue, with no obligation to purchase additional services.
  168. Venues may apply a service charge, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid, by them, directly to the venue.
  170. The offer is based on two adults and two children. Additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  171. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms and conditions. Age restrictions for treatments may apply.
  173. Age, health, weight, height, fitness and ability or other restrictions may apply to certain activities. Any restrictions will be detailed on the individual venue’s page. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before booking. Any cancellations made as a result of a medical condition will not be refunded.
  174. Please be aware that participation in some activities may affect personal/life insurance. Some activities may require a signed waiver form in order to participate. Proof of age may be required.
  176. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  178. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Adventures website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  180. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Adventure needs to be booked and taken by.
  182. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  184. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  186. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings. Your preferred date at a particular attraction may not be available.
  188. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day, school holidays, public and Bank Holidays. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited.
  190. Meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase.
  192. A charge will apply (payable by you) for any additional upgrades, meals or guests.
  193. Any additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; venues are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  195. All information published within the Adventure offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional upgrades, meals or guests is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  196. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional upgrades, meals or guests, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional upgrade, meal or guest.
  198. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for upgrades, meals or guests will not be refunded.
  200. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  202. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  203. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive booking on the same day.
  205. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  207. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  209. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  211. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  213. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  214. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  215. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  217. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.

Night Away for 2

  1. This offer entitles two adults to a Night Away at a participating venue, on an accommodation only basis, free of charge with no obligation to purchase meals or beverages.
  3. The offer is based on two adults sharing a standard twin or double room. Room upgrades (e.g. to a family room) to include additional guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  5. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms & conditions.
  7. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  9. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Experiences website and can only be made between 1 - 14 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 14 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  11. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Night Away for two needs to be booked and taken by.
  13. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  15. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  17. All stays are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict room allocation policy for promotional bookings, your preferred date at a particular venue may not be available.
  19. This offer does not apply to reservations that include a public or bank holiday in the UK and Ireland, such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day and school holidays.
  21. Meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase or when checking out of the venue.
  23. A charge will apply (payable by you) for room upgrades/special facilities (sea/lake view/four poster beds) or any other such supplements e.g. pet supplements.
  25. Any additional nights’ accommodation or room upgrades are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; rooms are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  27. All information published within the Take Time Night Away offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional nights, upgrades and meals is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  28. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  30. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking more than one night’s accommodation, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional night.
  32. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for room upgrades, or meals for the length of your stay will not be refunded.
  33. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  35. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or holiday insurance associated with the use of the offer is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  37. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive night stay.
  39. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  41. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking.
  43. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  45. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  47. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  48. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  49. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  51. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.

Track Experience

  1. The offer entitles one adult to a Supercar Track Experience at a participating venue, with no obligation to purchase additional services.
  3. Venues may apply a service charge, this is at the discretion of the customer and will need to be paid, by them, directly to the venue, which may be forfeited in the case of cancellations.
  5. The offer is based on one adult. Additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid for at the time of booking. Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time Reservations Department at the time of booking.
  7. Children may not solely utilise the offer. Children are subject to the venue’s child rates and terms and conditions. Age restrictions for treatments may apply.
  9. A selection of vehicles will be available, participants will not be able to specify which model but can pre-book the brands.
  11. Participants must hold a full and valid UK, European, American, Canadian, Australian or New Zealand driving license.
  13. Please remember to bring your photocard driving licence, if you do not possess a photocard licence you must bring your paper licence along with your passport by way of photo ID.
  15. Participants must be aged 17 or over, minimum height of 5 ft, maximum height of 6 ft 4 inches and maximum 19 stone in weight.
  17. Participants must sign a health declaration on the event day and you must bring your driving licence, reservation confirmation correspondence on the day. Proof of age may be required
  18. Age, health, weight, height, fitness and ability or other restrictions may apply to certain activities. Any restrictions will be detailed on the individual venue’s page. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before booking. Any cancellations made as a result of a medical condition will not be refunded.
  19. Please be aware that participation in some activities may affect personal/life insurance. Some activities may require a signed waiver form in order to participate. Proof of age may be required.
  21. This offer can only be redeemed by the eligible customer this gift was issued to and cannot be transferred, gifted or sold.
  23. Bookings can only be made at the venues listed on the Experiences website and can only be made between 1 - 28 days in advance of the preferred booking date. Same day bookings and bookings made further than 28 days in advance cannot be accepted.
  25. Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for the date your Supercar Track Experience needs to be booked and taken by.
  27. Bookings can only be made via the dedicated Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 any booking or enquiries made directly with the venue will not be honoured.
  29. The offer applies to bookings made in advance and does not apply to guests altering a visit after a booking is made.
  31. All bookings are subject to the venue’s availability for the offer. This availability will fluctuate throughout the year. Some venues operate a strict allocation policy for promotional bookings. Your preferred date at a particular attraction may not be available.
  33. Availability may be limited during other key seasonal and celebratory periods e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father's Day, school holidays, public and Bank Holidays. Days preceding and proceeding a public or bank holiday may be limited.
  35. Meals and beverages are not included in the offer. Any payment for meals and beverages will need to be settled with the venue at the time of purchase.
  37. A charge will apply (payable by you) for any additional upgrades, meals or guests.
  38. Any additional upgrades, meals or guests are chargeable and are to be paid by you at the time of booking. Bookings are made on a non-transferable basis; venues are pre-paid for and reserved prior to arrival in accordance with the original booking.
  40. All information published within the Supercar Track Experience offer including but not limited to venue listings, venue facilities, pricing for additional upgrades, meals or guests is correct at the time of this offer going live. Information and pricing is at the venue’s discretion and is subject to change without notice.
  41. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the venue or service.
  43. Any changes will be treated as a cancellation. If booking additional upgrades, meals or guests, you will be charged up to 100% of the price for each additional upgrade, meal or guest.
  44. If you cancel your booking your Unique Booking Code will become void and no monies will be refunded. Any payments made for upgrades, meals or guests will not be refunded.
  45. No cash alternatives will be offered.
  47. Cost of travel to the venue and the cost of any travel or insurance associated with the use of the offer, is excluded and is entirely at the expense of each individual. Spending money is not included within the offer.
  48. A maximum of one Unique Booking Code can be used per single booking. Separate bookings, which are believed to be part of the same party, may not combine their Unique Booking Codes to create a consecutive booking on the same day.
  50. Each venue has confirmed its willingness to participate in this promotion. The Promoter or any associated partner cannot be held responsible for any venue subsequently declining acceptance of a booking using the offer.
  52. The terms and conditions of each venue apply to your booking. For the Supercar Track Experience for One, these can be viewed here.
  54. Each featured and participating venue holds the right to enforce rules and guidelines to comply with public health best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak and aftermath. This can include but is not limited to reduced guest allowances and crowd management, stricter cleaning practices and rotas and social distancing rules. As a result, we respectfully ask you to acknowledge there may be some service restrictions alongside your booking. Further information regarding venue restrictions and/ or enforced rules will be provided on request when contacting the venue. We recommend you enquire about reduced service(s) prior to your visit to avoid any disappointment.
  56. The Promoter and any associated partner shall not be liable for any failure or breach by individual venues and accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by any participant of the promotion.
  57. The Promoter or any associated partner accepts no liability for loss caused, damage to property or personal injury whilst on the premises of individual venues, whether caused by the acts or omission of any third party.
  58. No liability can be accepted for personal loss, damage to property or injury at featured venues. Venues provide their own public liability insurance. Individuals may take out their own private insurance.
  59. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discount schemes or cards generated by either the participating venues or Take Time.
  61. Take Time or any associated partner reserve the right to alter, amend or withdraw this offer without prior written notice at their absolute discretion.


Data Protection Privacy Notice

Personal data belonging to the Business owner and Attendees will be processed by Magnet Trade as a data controller for the purpose of administering Magnet Rewards Scheme (“Scheme”) (including the disclosure of such personal data to our third party agents to manage the Scheme). The legal basis for the processing is to meet our legal obligation, cf. GDPR art 9(1) (b), and to pursue our legitimate interest, cf. GDPR art. 6(1) (f), in administering the Scheme (including the disclosure of such personal data to our third party agents to manage the Scheme). More information in relation to your personal data can be found at https://www.magnettrade.co.uk/privacy-notice/

Please find our Modern Day Slavery statement at the following link. Modern Day Slavery Statement.pdf

©Magnet Limited 2024. All content is copyrighted by Magnet Limited and cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form without written consent